Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 11: Why does this effect nothing?

Still working on the sorting ticket I picked up on Friday.

But all day. 

Because nothing worked.

I first just tried pulling the most recent code, updating to the most recent copy of the database, and attempting to duplicate the issue. It's still an issue.

Sarah had recently redone the sorting methods for the system, so I'd looked in to how to use those. I knew the pieces I'd put in should be doing x or y, but nothing I did, no matter where in the system I put the sort, nothing was impacting the actual output! 

It made no sense that changes were effecting all of nothing.

I spent what was realistically too long just sort of crawling through the code. Eventually I asked Tracy for some suggestions, and she pointed out a couple of weirdly hidden method calls that took me to other classes, where the lists of data were actually being produced. Now I dropped in the sort and the problem was fixed. Immediately.


Oh well.

The ticket pointed to about 5 different areas of the product where there were sorting issues. The fix for area one had no impact on any of the other 5 areas. Let the hunt begin.

The second area was a quick fix that I was able to accomplish before the day ended.

Monday's are rough, but Monday nights are pretty nice. Max is usually home, and usually doesn't have any homework to work on. This means we make an extra nice dinner and watch some TV together. It's nice to be able to unwind like that on the first night of the week.