Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 36: Where do we keep the kleenex?

This was my first question when I entered the office. 

I made it through the shower and the uphill climb to the office in the rain. Then I needed a box of kleenex. My head is feeling much better, but I'm a nose-blowing fiend right now in need of my own box. 

I understand that the general unspoken office policy is don't come to work if you're sick so that you don't get anyone else sick. But I already missed Friday, and I'm still new and I didn't want to miss any more time. 

My coworkers were more concerned about my well-being, and started trying to encourage me home around 3:30. I figured I'd made it through the bulk of the day at that point, so I'd stick it out. 45 minutes later I was singing the same tune as them, and figured I could call it early without much harm. I'll be in ripe and ready for the meetings tomorrow!

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