Thursday, May 22, 2014

Popcorn please

When we went to see Godzilla, Max had a very amazing interaction with the kind woman working concessions.

First of all, Max and Jake had decided to split a popcorn for us all to share. I had picked up a water bottle and an apple juice so I set them on the counter so I wouldn’t have to hold them. Jake looks at me and with a completely straight face asks “do I know you?” The kind woman muttered something about serving all customers if we would wait patiently in line. I became surprisingly flustered, even though I knew he was joking. The woman’s reaction was what really sent me spinning. A few moments later I interjected with “I really do know him!” She gave us all a weird look and sort of shrugged. Her faces said “I do not get paid enough for weird shit like this.”

Alright, so we’re all caught up of what had happened before. Kind woman already thinks we’re all crazy. Jake isn’t paying attention anymore. It’s a 10 something showing so it’s sort of late already.

Now. For the real part of this story. The theatre had collection cups, one of which had some of the different M&M characters on it. Max wanted that cup. He was going to have that cup.

He approached the woman who was already in love with all three of us and said he’d like to order one of whatever gets him that cup. She said yeah that’s fine, would you like any popcorn.

This is where Max breaks down.

I ordered the souveneir cup with popcorn.

Blank stares from our favorite worker at the movie theatre.

I want the cup.

More blank stares.

This is where I step in.

Max, popcorn is not served in the cup.


Can we get the cup with root beer in it and a medium sized popcorn?

This was a language she could understand. This was something she could deliver for us.

Max asked me if we were still getting the cup.