Sunday, September 21, 2014


Oh my goodness.

So I read all three Maze Runner books and the fourth to be released but first in the story prequel while I was on my way to/in/on my home from Colorado. They are amazing. Well, by the prequel I was skipping through a lot of the fighting sequences to get to the actual content that moved the plot forward. But the concept is amazing, the twists are really clever and I like it as an addition to the teen post-apocalyptic craze that is current literature. 

The movie came out last night.

So of course we went to see it this afternoon!!!

They had to change a few things to make it work for a movie audience, time frame and overall story telling purposes. Overall, I thought the changes were fine. There was nothing that made me question their ability to continue to tell the story as it was in the books moving forward. 

It was absolutely amazing. I will see it again. I will be anxiously awaiting the next movie.