I was so proud of myself. I made it to the office at 8:50 am!!
The gate downstairs was locked. What. I looked a fool trying to get it open. On day one I got a key, a fob, and a 4-digit code. Now before me was a door with a key hole, a number pad, and an electronic entry pad. Have mercy.
The key is clearly not for the gate. It fits but won't turn.
The number pad looks more like a buzzer system and less like an alarm system, which is what I was told my code was for.
Alright, fob it is.
Thankfully, that worked.
Evidently, the doors and gate are locked before 9 am and after 5 pm. You learn something new every day.
Dave was the only one already in the office. I asked him what time he'd shown up, surprised by the answer of 8:45! This guy leaves at 4 pm every day! I'm going to have to rethink my evening departure time...
I'd brought a breakfast shake in with me because that's easier than real food and still delicious. In the next five minutes I managed to spill it all over myself and my desk! Brilliant start to the morning.
Alas. The day can only go up.
The rest of the day was once again spent in meetings. Things made more sense this time! I understood system architectural components and the tickets discussed. It made the day go by much quicker.
I still stuck around until 5 pm. I'm trying to wrap up an Excel report generating component. Hopefully tomorrow!
Cathy & Max here! Both originally from Texas, we graduated from The University of Tulsa in the spring of 2014. We're now newlyweds! But first, we moved north! Max is starting at the Vancouver Film School in the fall, so we've packed everything up and are heading to Vancouver, Canada! This is the telling of our journey, stories, mishaps and adventures! Looking for a specific section of our adventures? Check out the pages below!