What is a Japadog? That's an excellent question. As near as we can tell, a Japanese restaurant took everything on their menu and said to themselves, "what if we served all of these only on hot dog buns?!?!!!!" and just went with it. Oh yes, everything on the menu. They also sell actual hot dogs in hot dog buns, but mostly, the other Japanese food. The best item on their menu which went into a hot dog bun is the ice cream. The bun is toasted with some sort of sugar coating that makes it a lot better than it sounds. They have a very wide range of flavors. Max had a mango, and said it was amazingly, if not bewilderingly, delicious.
Other than that it was a very nice relaxing day! We finally got the kitchen unpacked and worked through the last of the bedroom odds and ends. The place is finally starting to come together. It still feels like mostly boxes. We're reaching the point in the unpacking where we just seem like really messy people instead of people who just showed up. Jake is very graciously putting up with it all of it, even coming home to miscellaneous pieces of furniture that we've placed into his room, hoping he will make them magically disappear.
Whelp, as exciting as the Japadog adventure was, that's pretty much it for the day.
Cathy & Max here! Both originally from Texas, we graduated from The University of Tulsa in the spring of 2014. We're now newlyweds! But first, we moved north! Max is starting at the Vancouver Film School in the fall, so we've packed everything up and are heading to Vancouver, Canada! This is the telling of our journey, stories, mishaps and adventures! Looking for a specific section of our adventures? Check out the pages below!