Rain brings new beginnings, fresh life, and a clean earth. It sends men to war and brings rivers to the edges of their beds. It's a beautiful part of life, one I'll always find comforting.
It's delicious to lie in bed in the apartment and listen to the rain pelt the city. It licks our windows and tickles the trees, trying to make it through the branches all the way down to the earth, it's proper home. It lightens the air and cools the breeze.
People respond differently to the rain. The business man hurries through the streets, trying to keep his suit dry and his hair in order. The child brightens and scrambles from puddle to puddle. Some take a day off, to fully embrace the production gracing the world.
I like to sit out on the balcony. From there I can watch the whole city become new. I can see the mountain tops smothered in clouds, arguing for snowfall instead of rain. The water inlets gathering their strength and heading toward the ocean with their new rain swelling their bellies. The treetops seemingly laughing with each new drop, bouncing and dancing to welcome the lifeblood. Skyscrapers dulled for a time to bring them back to the realities of this earth.
Nothing withstands this earth, this life. But that's beautiful.